From Dr. Strangelove to Canada and beyond, the journey's and memories of my life with G.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Where is the Yellow Pencil???

I dropped a post on Facebook linking to this blog and in it I suggested readers make appropriate comments expressing interest such as, “This is really awful, give it up!” and to help in guiding the content for instance, “Where is this thing going, it is complete drivel.”  Well though comments can also show appreciation for a particularly amusing part these comments may take this form, “Zzzzzz!’ there may also be moments of deep spiritual meaning which moves the reader to comment thus, “Horse crap!”  Thus, you can understand the importance of commenting in order to improve the overall quality of your read by commenting, “Who gives a S**t.”

Ten years ago I started reading a blog  - - when the first post went up and have continued to read it weekly over all the intervening time.   Each and every post is archived and researching through it is very easy.  I use BlogSpot because it archives all the posts in chronological order which leaves something behind for my family when my time is fulfilled. 

The husband of a person in our church had years of hand typed journal entries when he died.  The family had them printed and bound to pass on to the following generations.  This blog, using slightly different technology, serves the same purpose for my family.

I have been posting each new Blog entry on Facebook until folks get used to looking here for ongoing stories.  In my Facebook post yesterday it never occurred to me that the comment capability of BlogSpot did not carried over to both tablet and smartphone, it seems it doesn’t.  So here is the deal – I will keep on posting to Facebook to let you know when I post to the blog.  You can comment there understanding said comments will get lost in the clutter.  If you have access to ancient technology such as a laptop or desktop you can log directly into this post and comment here.  Any comments here are saved and archived with the items I post while any of those on Facebook will be effectively lost in the clutter.

So if you are up to it, follow the arrow on this post to the little yellow pencil icon.  If you don’t see the  icon, your operating system doesn’t support comments.  After this, you are on your own.